Die Freie Welt

Poems. Stories. Thoughts. That kinda thing.

05 September 2006

My Chickens

These are my chickens, Ramekin and Soufflé. They are Deutsche Sperber chickens. They are quite friendly and, as I discovered tonight, like to carry around tomatoes in their beaks. They just started laying little brown yolkless eggs.

We are currently builiding them a new and improved home, where they can roost and go outside to eat ants and crickets. My neighbors haven't said anything yet, but if they complain... my crowing chickens for their barking dogs!


Blogger slaghammer said...

They look like chickens we used to call Domonickers. The Domonickers were even-tempered birds. They were not like the leghorns, who were predisposed to hysteria and suicide. I believe it was suicide. Others felt it was more of a panic attack and cardiac arrest situation but I did witness one practically insert itself into the mouth of an otherwise well behaved dog who could not have been expected to just spit the damn thing out. Dogs must occasionally fulfill their destiny after all.
Yolkless eggs?

12:58 AM  

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