Die Freie Welt

Poems. Stories. Thoughts. That kinda thing.

26 June 2007


I was speaking with a friend recently, a male, who mentioned his perception of a woman being pregnant. He said (in so many words) that it was like having an alien invade your body. My first maternal reaction to this was : No it's not. I felt like it was a male perspective, because a male would have no concept in their being, anywhere (like DNA memory), of this whole pregnancy phenomenon. Lately, though, I have kind of felt how he described. I feel like I have been pregnant for ever. I know that there is a tiny person growing in me, but I have no way to wrap my own head around the concept. He's in there. He's growing and moving and learning already, but what do I really have to do with it yet. Nothing. I am merely a host. I could be growing an elephant for all I know (I do know in fact that it's not an elephant). I won't meet this person growing in me for another 5 months. And that is too damn long to wait. Because without knowing why, I love him and miss him, and I want to kiss him and hold him. But on a day to day basis there are moments that go by that I forget (to some degree) that I even am pregnant. The only thing that reminds me is this instinct to protect myself. Then there are moments that all I can think about is the baby, and what he will look like and how he will act, and who he will become.
So, it is like an alien, until he's born. My body has been invaded. I'm sure most new mothers feel this way, but I think they probably forget all that when the baby comes. Just like they say you forget all the pain of labor when the baby is born. I just think it's bizarre that I am a woman and I was specifically made to carry another human and I can't even grasp the concept. It's like death. So, apparently death and life, ironically, are both inconceivable. For me anyway.

And as Maynard says, "Over thinking over analyzing separates the body from the mind."


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