Die Freie Welt

Poems. Stories. Thoughts. That kinda thing.

11 September 2006

An old one

Tertiary stage erupts

Your shuffling gait

Will you lurch my way again

Late for work through another dream

Can we be friends like we were

But I was picking the ticks off

I was making excuses

Can’t keep it down

She said, leave you have a fever

Still feel them crawling on me

Just little blood hairs

And that taste rises in my throat again

Chalk dissolves


Warm water and words

And sleep

05 September 2006


What is it the games men and women play with one another? The manipulation, the flirting, the teasing. Ugh!

Heather says: Today at work Rob was flirting with me big time.

what she really meant to say was: Dammit, Dave, you don't ever show me that you care.

or: You aren't paying enough attention to me, Dave.

or: Last week when I say you talking to that cute little blonde at the checkout, you made me jealous, now it's my turn.

WTF people!?!?!?

My Chickens

These are my chickens, Ramekin and Soufflé. They are Deutsche Sperber chickens. They are quite friendly and, as I discovered tonight, like to carry around tomatoes in their beaks. They just started laying little brown yolkless eggs.

We are currently builiding them a new and improved home, where they can roost and go outside to eat ants and crickets. My neighbors haven't said anything yet, but if they complain... my crowing chickens for their barking dogs!

03 September 2006

Oh, this life

This morning I realized something I have quite possibly realized many times before. And in a moment I will share that revelation with you. First, you must have some of my back ground. I believe in God. Not the Christian God, or Catholic God, but I believe in a beautiful spirit, from whose mind we all came, that is not scary, and should not be feared, but who loves us. He will not punish me for things I have done, or things others may do. I believe we are here on Earth to perfect our souls. We all have a soul, and life is used to learn, and grow, and become better. And by that rational, I began to think the things that I do are all to teach me lessons. The decisions I am faced with and then my choices are all to lead me in the direction of betterment. But (now for the revelation) I realized this morning that things I do are effecting others (well, I always knew that), and that others are learning things about themselves, because of me. Like every little thing I ever do is teaching someone patience, and tolerance, and to love without condition. So, if you ever wonder what your purpose in life is, look all around you at the people your decisions are effecting, THEY are your purposes. Yourself and the people who know you, that is the reason you are alive, and I think a damn good one.